

who judges the judges?
who is a judge to judge

shouldnt there be some kind of public justice?
i now believe in public executions

The defendant, Andrew Selva, had been charged with 20 counts of rape, but prosecutors found errors in the indictment and later reached a plea agreement with his lawyers. Connor approved the deal, and sentenced Selva in December to five years of probation for two counts of sexual battery involving the boys, ages 5 and 12.
"I can only consider what he pleaded to," Connor told the newspaper. "If he had pled to two counts of rape, he would be in prison. I had two psychologists who said he's treatable. He admitted he had a problem and said he wanted help. I made the best call on what I had in front of me."
the judge then compares Andrew Selva's disease of being a sexual predator to his own disease of being an alcoholic.

ok what constitute a disease?
lack of self control?
i thought it was a sickness eating away at your body
something you have no contol over
so if you cant control how much you drink and it eats away at you thats a disease?
and if you cant control your sexual urges thats a disease?
and thats excusable?
ok then if it is
i have a disease
i cant control my urges to shoot people in the face
conservative christians that dont understand jesus
and bill o reilly
people who put the bible before the constitution
anyone that reads this blog.. http://chatterboxchronicles.blogspot.com/
and anyone that stereotypes liberals as caring more about the child molesters rights then the child
(i care about rights... but child molesters need to be publicly shot in the face)

i think we are going about this all wrong
judges should handle all issuses except child molesters
child molesters should stand trial
but the sentencing should be handled by an angry mob
and a rope and a tree branch
or shotgun to the face

remember liberals hate this judge too
and jesus was not a republican

he who is without bullshit cast the first stone

fuck all of you


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